Children are so pure so lovely. :)
Anytime I take Anay to the mirror, he smiles. I don't know exactly what makes me smile. Whether it is the sight of himself that he enjoys so much, saying "Wow Mom! You have such a smart son!" :P :) Or is it because he sees me with him, so he smiles, just like he smiles when he sees me generally.
Today, when he woke up from sleep, I took him in my arms and took him straight to the mirror. He hadn't completely woken up. Was still rubbing his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes slightly, he saw the mirror, and there was the smile. :) :D
Love u my puchhu! :-x
Anytime I take Anay to the mirror, he smiles. I don't know exactly what makes me smile. Whether it is the sight of himself that he enjoys so much, saying "Wow Mom! You have such a smart son!" :P :) Or is it because he sees me with him, so he smiles, just like he smiles when he sees me generally.
Today, when he woke up from sleep, I took him in my arms and took him straight to the mirror. He hadn't completely woken up. Was still rubbing his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes slightly, he saw the mirror, and there was the smile. :) :D
Love u my puchhu! :-x