Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mirror Mirror! Who's the prettier?

Children are so pure so lovely. :) 

Anytime I take Anay to the mirror, he smiles. I don't know exactly what makes me smile. Whether it is the sight of himself that he enjoys so much, saying "Wow Mom! You have such a smart son!" :P :) Or is it because he sees me with him, so he smiles, just like he smiles when he sees me generally. 

Today, when he woke up from sleep, I took him in my arms and took him straight to the mirror. He hadn't completely woken up. Was still rubbing his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes slightly, he saw the mirror, and there was the smile. :) :D

Love u my puchhu! :-x

Monday, October 24, 2011

He openly declares his love for me!!

On Friday, 21st October'2011, I and Tarun decided to go some Diwali shopping after office. We informed MIL that we'll be late. We reached home around 10.00 PM. And, guess what we come to know from MIL. 

Anay was looking at the gate at around 6.00 PM as if waiting for me to enter. 6.00 PM is my regular time to return from office. Then, he did that again at 8.00 PM which is Tarun's time to return. :)

To add to it, when we both entered and I took him in my arms, Tarun opened his arms asking Anay to come to him. Anay, being in my arms, avoided looking at Tarun completely, and closed his arms. This is his way of saying "I don't wanna come to you." :D

It was so wonderful. We tried everybody at home to check if he goes to anyone at all. (Verification Engineers can't help it. They have to try all possible combinations :>3)  Then, Tarun took him forcibly in his arms and asked me to try taking him in his arms. And, to top my happiness, he came to me instantly back. :) :)

Ohh! It was a lovely a feeling. During the weekend, any time I stood in front of him (Imagine him sitting in bed with someone, playing), he would uphold his hands, as if asking me to pick him up. And, if I did not pick him, and still stood there, he would start making sounds as if he's gonna cry if I didn't pick.

Hahahah! It's an inexplicable, satisfying, satiating,...filling an experience. :)